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Follow These Cataract Surgery Recovery Tips!

Cataract Recovery

Even the safest surgeries need some amount of recovery time. Cataract surgery is one of the safest surgeries in the world. This doesn’t mean you don’t need to leave time for recovery! If you get cataract surgery, you’ll still need to account for healing time.

When complications occur, it’s usually because something goes wrong during recovery. Want to avoid unnecessary complications after cataract surgery? Keep reading about how to follow these helpful guidelines during your recovery!

Remember To Schedule A Ride

While cataract surgery may only take a few minutes, you will not be able to drive for the rest of the day. Your vision may be blurry for a while which will make it difficult and dangerous to operate a vehicle.

If your friends or family aren’t available to bring you to and from surgery, you may need to call a cab. If you’re comfortable with it, you can also use a ride-sharing service.

Rest After Surgery

It’s likely that you will be very tired after the surgery, so feel free to take a nap after. You may get eye shields from your eye doctor to wear while recovering. These help keep your eyes safe while you are sleeping.

If you sleep without them, you run the risk of bumping them or putting pressure on them. This can lead to complications. In general, you are going to have to be extra careful with your eyes for the first few weeks after surgery.

Use Your Antibiotic Eye Drops As Directed

After your cataract surgery, your doctor will give you medicated eye drops. It’s important that you take these according to the specific instructions. Make sure you take them exactly as directed! Antibiotic eye drops can help prevent infections in your still healing eyes.

Eyes that are healing after cataract surgery may feel dry and irritated. Invest in some lubricating eye drops. This will help you keep your eyes hydrated and make you less likely to rub them. Rubbing eyes that are healing after cataract surgery is asking for trouble, so just don’t do it!

Adjust Your Routine

Taking it easy while healing from cataract surgery includes modifying your activities. For the first few weeks, you’ll have to treat your body with some TLC!

Strenuous exercise can cause the flap created in the cornea during the surgery to tear open.

Swimming or even showering with your eyes open can expose your eyes to contaminants. Water can carry bacteria, and you’re more prone to infection after surgery. Keep your eyes closed as much as possible in the shower!

Wearing makeup can also lead to infection. You should avoid perfumes and lotions around your eyes.

Attend Follow Up Visits

Your eye doctor will want to keep a close eye on your recovery. It is important to make time to see him or her as often as they direct. If you do have complications from surgery, it’s better to catch them sooner!

Thinking it may be time for cataract surgery? Schedule an appointment with Bennett & Bloom Eye Centers in Louisville, KY today!