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Our Doctors

When you trust your vision to the physicians at Bennett & Bloom Eye Centers you are putting yourself in the hands of some of the best doctors in the country. We are a relationship-driven practice. Our relationships with our patients, fellow doctors, universities and the medical community make us one of the premier practices in the region.

Our focus first and foremost, is on patient care – listening, understanding and then helping to solve your eye problems. This philosophy is based on years of successful experience in building strong relationships with our patients. Today technology plays a vital role in the treatment of eye disease, but we believe it must go hand in hand with close communication with you. That’s why we offer a team approach to patient care. Our doctors have years of experience in treating a wide range of eye problems including cataract surgery, retina disease, macular degeneration, glaucoma, and LASIK. They have performed thousands of sight-saving and vision enhancing procedures.

In addition, our relationships with our fellow doctors and within the medical community can be seen by our dedication to education – our physicians are always learning and keeping up-to-date on the latest in patient treatment advances. They teach courses to other doctors, present at national and international meetings, and actively train student eye doctors in our optometric internship and residency programs. They have written textbooks on laser surgery, designed instruments used in vision correction procedures, participated in national clinical trials and helped form eye clinics in Third World countries. All of this, in turn, helps us provide the highest quality of eye care because we have the access, information, and resources available for our patients.

As you look over the information about each doctor at Bennett & Bloom Eye Centers, you will see for yourself what sets us apart. “Go Where the Doctors Go!” is our licensed trademark. We treat many of our fellow doctors for a very good reason; they trust us. So can you!